“The Lord is my shepherd… Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. ‘ – Psalms 23:1a, 4 NLT

Welcome to the 23rd weekly devotional recap of the year. This week’s articles were centred on leading. They encouraged us to have the psalmist’s disposition in Psalm 23 and trust in God as our shepherd and guide.

Monday’s article likened God’s leadership to how ants follow a pheromone trail left by their leader. He wants us to follow His lead in every area of our lives and be kept from danger. Our response to this should be of total submission, trusting His desire and ability to lead. God’s goodness and steadfast love (Psalms 136:1), His desire to keep us from error (Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 30:21), and His purpose for our lives (Philippians 2:13) all affirm His trustworthy leadership. Just as ants trust their leader’s trail, trust the Lord’s leadership with all your heart.

Tuesday’s devotional highlighted the sheep’s absolute trust in the shepherd, which we should mirror by trusting God’s guidance for our well-being (Psalms 23:2). Green pastures symbolise God’s provision for all our needs and that He will see to the safety and provision of His children. Elijah’s experience in 1 Kings 17:2-24 is a good example of God’s miraculous provision as Jehovah Jireh. This extends to all aspects of our lives, and because of His proactive provision of salvation, we can be assured of this. Rest in your Shepherd’s ability to direct you.

Wednesday’s article emphasised the comforting and protective role of the shepherd by likening his guidance to driving with an experienced instructor. Jesus is the ultimate shepherd (John 10:11) who protects and guides His flock, and there is safety and security in following Him. Just as a shepherd uses a staff to guide and protect his sheep, God uses His Word to lead us in righteousness and safety (2 Timothy 3:16-17). You must learn to trust the Lord by growing in His Word and letting it guide you (Psalm 119:105).

On Thursday, life’s challenges were likened to navigating through a pitch-dark room, which can make us feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. However, despite the uncertainties that come with living life in today’s world, we can follow the example of David in Psalms 23:4 and find confidence and rest in the presence and guidance of God. Even though life is inevitably full of trouble and uncertainty, we can rest in Him (John 16:33). His presence with us is light and direction amid the darkest experiences.

We ended the week on Friday with a reminder to respond to God’s leading with faith and action (Acts 16:9-10). Demonstrate faith and confidence in God by promptly obeying when He leads you, knowing that it always results in our instruction, preservation, and protection. Rejoice in the assurance that His guidance is for your ultimate good.

Child of God, your Father is with you to lead you. From today, walk in the consciousness that you have a guide through life.

Bible Reading Plan Catchup

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