“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” – Colossians 3:1-2 NKJV

Remember transistor radios? One common feature was the knob used to set or tune a desired frequency. You’d keep tuning and setting until you connected to your preferred station. It was always about finding the right frequency.

How does this relate to a believer? Imagine the radio representing your devotional life. Just as there are many stations to choose from, there’s one that usually has your most attention, one you’re always tuned to.

So, which station should that be for a believer?

God must be that station. Yes, you have the free will to do what pleases you, but the things of God must take centre stage and be our top priority. Nothing should command your attention more than God’s. You must constantly commit to building interest in the word of God. It is an active and intentional activity. You have to set your affections on these things (Colossians 3:2).

It is often said that you get more interested in activities that you are skilled at. However, interest, skill, and productivity do not always come by default. They are acquired through consistency in terms of the amount of time spent engaging in that activity.

The goal of your devotion is to transcend from duty to delight. Nevertheless, in this journey, there will likely be times when you will not feel like studying or fellowshipping with God. Your feelings are valid but do not continue to stay there. The solution is still within you –  it is to continue, persevere, and keep going (Romans 8:12-13). Your feelings can be deceptive, especially as it relates to devotion.

So how do we delight ourselves in God’s word and be consistently tuned in?

First, it is all about interest. You must be interested in the value and beauty of God’s word. It should be prioritised above everything else. See the Word as your sustenance (Matthew 4:4, Psalms 119:103).

Another way to commit to the word of God is to intentionally create structures that will help you remain consistent. How about determining specific times of devotion and putting checks and balances around them that help keep you accountable? In doing this, you answer questions like when, where, and what to do per time. You are never confused or overwhelmed by decision paralysis. 

Finally, be a doer of the word. You get more proficient in an action when you practice and keep at it (James 1:22). When you do it often, it becomes easy, and then delightful before ultimately culminating into a habit.

Dear believer, what commands your greatest attention? If you love God, it should show in your willingness to spend time with Him.

Bible Reading Plan:  Mark 10: 1-31

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