“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” I Corinthians 6:19 NKJV

There is a saying, ‘All good things in life require sacrifice’. It is true because a tree only grows after a seed dies. To be fit, you need to undergo the pain of working out. To pass an exam, you have to study rigorously. In the same vein, for you to enjoy sexual pleasure in marriage the way God ordained it, you first have to go through a season of waiting. 

No matter how brilliant man’s philosophies are, especially in relationships, marriage, and sex, the word of God stands tall. God’s word is practical and remains our foundation for success in romantic relationships.

Sex is not the most popular topic amongst believers, although a lot of believers still struggle with addiction to sex and sexual sins such as pornography, masturbation and same-sex relations. However, this is not God’s plan for His children. God’s plan is for us to have sexual relations and intimacy with only one partner of the opposite sex in the confines of marriage (Genesis 2:24). 

Rings, marriage vows and wedding blessings are great, but it is sex that unites the couple physically, emotionally and spiritually for life. God designed sex to have a permanent effect, it is where two people indeed become one flesh (1 Corinthians 6:16). 

Resisting temptations requires effort, yet it’s crucial to realise that giving in doesn’t solve anything. Yielding to the temptation only strengthens it. The fact that you feel it strongly does not mean you must gratify it. Continuously indulging in these desires leads to perpetual dissatisfaction. Understanding that sex serves a purpose beyond physical pleasure makes waiting easier. God intended it for fulfilment within marriage, and deviating from His plan can lead to enduring problems like depression, diminished self-esteem, guilt, loneliness, and physical ailments. Inappropriate sexual practices also hinder bonding between married partners.

Because sexual sins thrive in secrecy, one solid way to overcome them is to open up and seek accountability from a believer you trust and can be vulnerable with. 

Another way to fight sexual temptations is to realise who you are in Christ. Once you were dead in sin, now you are dead to sin. You have a new nature in Christ because of the Spirit that dwells in you (Romans 6: 11-12,  8:11). You are not your temptation, you are a new man in Christ. 

In addition, rather than focus on your temptations, focus on nurturing your spiritual appetite by spending time in prayer, worship, Bible study and fellowship with the brethren (Galatians 5:16-18).

Dear believer, regardless of your experiences or habits, remember that the wait is always worth it, and you can do it because you have God’s spirit in you. 

SAY THIS: I am dead to sin. I am not a slave to habits. I will wait!

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 9: 14-38

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