“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”

– Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

If you spend ample time on Instagram, you’ve probably stumbled on a trending video some months back of a Pastor suddenly attempting to take to his heels while preaching and his members out of fear took to their heels also until he stopped and told them it was a joke. This was so funny and relatable seeing how people could follow one man based on a singular action.

Now, we live in a world filled with vices controlled and funded by men. In the media, we see movies flooded with illicit scenes and practices. We see popular celebrities advocating for sexual orientations not founded on God’s original design. We see thought leaders boldly propagating materials and images that speak of witchcraft and all manner of devilish practices.

As a believer, you have probably at one time or the other gotten frustrated about it and took steps to cut yourself off from seeing these but should it end there? Not at all. If light stays in a corner, darkness will prevail. We have not been called to keep quiet about the truth of who God is and what His Word upholds (Matthew 5:16). We have to be bold to step into these spheres and correct evil practices (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

One of the ways to do this is to rise in influence. Just as in some family meetings, attention is paid to the influential sibling when he/she gives counsel, so it is in the world. You have to see the need to rise in influence in Education, Media, Economics, name it.

This affords you to be in a position to control the narrative and use it to God’s advantage. This ambition is for a cause, a selfless one and this brings us to the next thing, Boldness.

We see the story of David in 1 Samuel 17 and how Holy anger was stirred up in him when Goliath mocked God and what did he do? He resounded the fact that through that same God, victory will be given to the Israelities. David was not fazed by the size of goliath or the stories of nations Goliath had conquered. Rather, he went in the consciousness of the power of God and resounded the praises of God before the philistines. Let this be you.

Are wrong narratives concerning God gaining the upper hand in spaces where you are? Correct them. Speak up about the truth of God. Push out materials, make movies, fund Christian agenda that will correct and pull down the vices of the devil in our day. You are there for a purpose and let it count for God.

Today, take some time to stir up boldness in the place of prayer to strengthen you to speak for God and correct false notions about the Gospel.

Bible Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 12-14

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