‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.’ – Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

A well-known quote from the great scientist and scholar Albert Einstein goes thus: “What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.” 

This insight is especially relevant to our walk with God, where we’re called to go beyond what is popular or trendy. Often, we must stand out and stand firm, aligning with God’s purpose for our lives. We live in a world where popular opinion frequently clashes with God’s will, and a believer must learn to uphold what’s right—even when standing alone. 

Our anchor scripture reveals the words of Jesus, who calls His followers “the light of the world.” This profound statement suggests that the world exists in darkness, and those who follow Christ are responsible for providing the illumination it desperately needs. In John 3:19, Jesus describes the world as a place where people hate the light because they prefer to do evil. In this context, darkness is associated with wrongdoing. Conversely, in John 3:21, Christ distinguishes His followers as those who live in the light, whose actions are rooted in truth and aligned with God. The individual identified as the light is one whose life consistently reflects God’s Word.

Our anchor text’s call for believers to let their light shine is a crucial theme. Our Lord emphasised that the good works of His followers are like a beacon in the darkness. He pointed out that a candle under a basket cannot illuminate the room (Matthew 5:15). Similarly when believers conceal their light, the world remains enveloped in darkness (Isaiah 60:1-2). Christ’s purpose for sending His disciples into the world is to reflect His character, illuminating and dispelling the pervasive shadows. 

In the account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we see a striking example of unwavering faith as they boldly defied King Nebuchadnezzar’s decree to worship an image of gold. They declared their trust in God, asserting that He could deliver them from the fiery furnace, yet they were also prepared to face the consequences of their convictions. Even in the face of certain death, their commitment to God illustrated the light of faith shining brightly in a dark world.

Dear believer, consider how you might dim your light in the world. Are there areas in your life where your actions do not align with God’s character? Today presents another opportunity for consecration to Him. Choose to follow His will over what is popular. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood firm in Babylon, you, too, can stand firm for God, embracing righteousness and rejecting the ways of the world that lead to compromise (Daniel 1:8). 

Remember, darkness and chaos will prevail if you hide your light. You are called to be light. Step out, shine brightly, and let your good deeds draw others to glorify your Heavenly Father.

Bible Reading Plan: Hebrews 9

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