“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 NKJV

A lot of negative things are happening in the world and it’s very easy for people to be afraid, especially because of sayings like “no one knows tomorrow”.

As a believer, although you live in the world, you are not of the world and as such, you can’t relate to certain things like the saying above. You can not fear the fear of the world! God is your Father, He knows the end from the beginning. His thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace (Isaiah 46:10, Jeremiah 29:11).

However, you need to know that as long as you are in this world, you will face challenges and that’s not a curse (John 16:33). The good news about this is that we have weapons of war as children of God, one of which is His word The word of God is vital and potent, therefore we must know it and use it to war in this world.

In the Bible, we see that one of the secrets to victorious living is meditating on the word of God, not in a generally quiet manner but by declaring it (Joshua 1:8).

Our anchor verse says the name of the Lord is a strong tower. Think of historical stories of natural fortresses where people hid in times of war for safety, think of how strong those fortresses were; some of them are still existing centuries after. Now, think of the fact that God, your Daddy, created them. If people hid in ordinary rocks and were safe, how much more than you, who is hidden in the Rock of Ages?

On a final note, Let’s examine Psalm 91.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
Psalms 91:1‭-‬2 NKJV

The first verse speaks of a secret place in God, that is, a place of hiding and protection from any form of harm. The second verse says “I will say of the Lord…”.

In our kingdom, talk is not cheap at all. If we believe it, then we must say it. The Psalmist didn’t just say, he boasted about God’s protection. In the midst of all that’s happening, even as you await the incoming new year, what have you been saying? It’s time to boast in God!

Do this: Personalise Psalms 91 and say it with intentionality over yourself and loved ones in a way that shows your boast in God.

Bible Reading Plan: John 20:1-9, Revelation 17, Job 38:22-41, Zephaniah 3

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