“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” – II Corinthians 2:14 NKJV

In sports, players spend more time preparing for a game than the time they play it. They put themselves through rigorous routines to perform on the day of action. It takes solid discipline, but they endure because they focus on achieving victory. 

If an athlete prepares so diligently for a competition in the hopes of winning a medal with earthly significance, what about a believer attending a camp that has eternal significance? What kind of preparation is required of such a believer to win? (1 Corinthians 9:24-25) 

Expectations will be high if you have a victory mindset. Without expectation, your mind may be closed to receiving from God. We see an example of such heightened expectation from the woman with the issue of blood. She had set her expectations and in the end, she was healed. (Luke 8:48)

A victory mindset will also guide your involvement in all of the activities. You will consider anything that not only stands in the way of getting everything God has for you but also helps you receive everything He has for you. You’ll pray, fast, consecrate yourself, gather writing materials, and so on. 

Even as you prepare, beloved, you must be watchful of things that can impede your victory mindset. Dishonour is one of the devil’s tools that keeps us from receiving and fully participating. Therefore, we have to honour spiritual gifts as God’s vessel for our joy and progress in the faith. Paying close attention as they preach and blocking out all distractions is a show of honour. It demonstrates our heart’s preparedness and readiness to listen.

Camp meetings are essential for special devotions and impartations. As we see in our anchor text, God is always ready to lead us to victory, so we must be ready.

Action Point: Write down a list of expectations for the camp meeting and actively pray towards receiving them.

Bible Reading Plan: Ezekiel 43-45

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