“Praying  always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”

-Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

As human beings, one of the most important ways we stay healthy and fit is by nourishing our bodies with the right food and nutrients required at different points in time and exercising our bodies on a regular basis. This keeps us physically fit and active. Likewise, we nourish and build our spirits when we feed on God’s word and exercise in prayers. This must be done every day. 

Our prayer lives must be designed in such a way that it must be included in our daily routine. We ought to pray at different intervals in a day because when we do that, we are building and nourishing our spirit. In fact, I Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to pray always. When we are committed to a life of prayer, it does a great work in us, not just for us.

 In Jude 1:20, the writer explains that we build ourselves up in our faith when we pray in the Spirit. You grow deeper in your convictions and in the knowledge of God’s word when you spend time praying. When we continually stay in the place of prayer, we also build the capacity to resist temptation and stay alert of the devil’s schemes (Matthew 26:4, 1 Peter 5:8).

Pray at all times because this is how Jesus Christ lived His life on earth. He always prayed and never underestimated the power of prayer ( Luke 6:12, Matthew 26:39-40). In Luke 18:1, Jesus instructed His disciples to always pray by using a parable to illustrate this instruction, “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” 

We are to keep on praying and never stop at it (Romans 12:12, Colossians 4:2). God expects us to have a vibrant prayer life so we cannot just pray once in a while, we have to pray all the time. Set prayer alarms at designated times, even when you don’t feel like it. Prayer requires effort and commitment, and having a consistent prayer routine helps to cultivate a vibrant devotional life.

God wants you to have a solid prayer life. He wants you to be in fellowship with Him all day, everyday of your life. He has given you His Spirit to enable you to communicate with Him. Take advantage of this priviledge of access that you have been given. Pray now! Pray whenever you are prompted to pray. Don’t postpone it. 

DO THIS: Set out time at different times in the day to always pray. Use an alarm or any other reminder system of your choice.

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 8-9

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Triumph 30 "T30" is a platform designed to partner with you to develop a culture of devotional prayer and Bible study. Through our daily devotional write-ups and prayer times (via our audio live streaming platform), followers of Triumph 30 are sure to build a vibrant daily Christian walk.


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