“But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.” – 2 Corinthians 2:14, NLT

In every team sport, each player on the field of play has a part to play to help the team win each game. In like manner, every believer in Jesus Christ has been enlisted into His team and has, consequently,  been deployed into the soul winning field of play. Therefore, understanding that a man can only be saved by believing the message of the gospel, every believer has a part to play in the spread of the gospel.

Jesus instructed His followers, ourselves included, to “go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 16:15, NLT). There are different ways to actively contribute to and participate in the spread of the gospel, but the most important way to do that is to actually step out and preach the gospel to people. And the most effective way to get to this is to start with those closest to us – both in proximity (virtual and physical) or in relations.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His disciples that they “will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. And they will be His witnesses, telling people about Him everywhere – in Jerusalem (where they already were), throughout Judea (a familiar region surrounding Jerusalem), in Samaria (a geographically further and culturally different region), and to the ends of the earth (which is yet unfamiliar).” 

This directive gives us a figurative and effective approach to our personal evangelism as we participate in the spread of the gospel; to start with those closest to us, then spread our reach.

Another important way to consider is by contributing to the work of your local assembly (financially and service wise). The local assembly ought to be a base for enlisting people into the body of Christ (evangelism), training them in faith and for ministry (discipleship) and redeploying them to enlist more people (mission-mindedness). 

The work of every local assembly ought to culminate in the spread of the gospel, at least within a locality, and contributing to that is an effective way to play your part in the spread of the gospel.

You can also play your part in the spread of the gospel by giving to missionaries who are stepping out of their comfort and taking the gospel to people in remote and/or unreached regions of the world, where we ourselves might never go. Your financial support will go a long way to provide for their upkeep and afford them resources with which they can effectively continue the good work.

Remember, now that you belong to God’s family, through faith in Jesus Christ, He wants to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere through you. Dear brother and sister, you have a part to play, get to it! 

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 4: 1-30

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