“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” – Micah 5:2 NKJV

Jesus was born in an atmosphere of tense political struggles. The ruling power of the day in Israel was the Romans who had conquered and set up their government in their land. In response to this, activist groups and guerrilla fighters were seeking to regain control of their territory from the Romans. Barrabas was one of such people (Luke 23:18-19). 

In those times, the Jews consoled themselves with a prophecy that a Messiah would come to set them free and establish His kingdom in Israel. And as a result, they will experience long-lasting peace from their enemies. It was in these times Jesus was born. 

Yet, He didn’t come bearing a sword as expected, he held an olive branch instead. He was not a political activist, even though He had something to say about politics. Beyond emancipation from unjust rulers, He preached salvation from sin and freedom from eternal condemnation. They thought the Messiah was exclusive to them but He was the Saviour of the whole world! 

Even though they didn’t recognise the Prince of Peace when He showed up on the scene, thank God we do! Glory to God! And this is what the Christ season is all about; how God reconciled back to us through Christ. 

As the song said, “Sin had left a crimson stain but He washed it white as snow”. Also, the Bible in Ephesians 2:14-28 says Jesus’ sacrifice broke the middle wall of separation and reconciled us back to God. Because of Him, we have peace and are at peace with God. Hallelujah! 

In the world today, there is so much great turmoil, and so much hatred among humans but thank God, a time is coming when all of that will come to an end and Jesus will establish His kingdom here on earth. In the meantime, we must keep proclaiming the gospel of peace. We must keep praying and preaching that everyone comes to the knowledge of Christ. 

As we anticipate Christmas, let this be the posture of our hearts. Let this be our heart’s cry, that many will experience peace with God through Christ. 

Bible Reading Plan: Zechariah 10-14

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