“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” – 1 Corinthians 12:4 NIV

Can one thing have various manifestations? The answer is, yes. 

Take, for instance, a smartphone, owned by an estimated 85% of the global population. Its basic function is making phone calls, but it’s capable of much more. Smartphones can capture memories with photos and videos, send text messages, play games, access the internet, and facilitate learning.  The major thing a smartphone ensures is that the user stays connected with the rest of the world. 

Similarly, as our anchor scripture states, the Holy Spirit we receive at salvation grants us access to diverse gifts. Since it’s the same Spirit distributing these gifts, they are interconnected and meant to work together to complement one another. So, do not think that you have only received one gift and thus can only function in that one. 

This means that if you go out and find someone who needs healing, don’t tell yourself you only work in the gifts of prophecy thereby disqualifying yourself. The same Spirit that works in you to prophecy is the same Spirit that will work in you to heal that person.

The way to work in the gifts is to take a step of faith and use it. The gifts are available to serve and edify others (1 Corinthians 14:12). So step out in faith and explore the manifestations available to you. Be ready to heal, prophecy, and give words of knowledge as the opportunity presents itself. Do not restrict yourself.

Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12: 1 says he would not like you to be ignorant about spiritual gifts. So, for the rest of the chapter, he does a deep dive into this subject of diverse gifts and manifestations of the same Spirit. 

Paul listed these gifts to teach the Corinthians that the Spirit can work through them as needed, according to God’s will (1 Corinthians 12:4). It was like revealing the different roles believers can fulfil by the Spirit. In other words, he was opening your eyes to see your true potential by the Spirit. 

However, another thing Apostle Paul stated that you should take note of is the fact that all these gifts were given for the unity of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12: 7). As believers, we have all been baptised into one Spirit by our common faith in Jesus. Therefore, we should all work together, bringing forth our various gifts for the common good of the body of Christ. 

Dear believer, you are God’s dwelling place. You have the Holy Spirit therefore the possibilities of God are now your possibilities! These signs shall follow those who believe (Mark 16:17 – 18).

Do you believe it? Walk boldly and let these signs follow you!

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 12: 1-30

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