“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21 NKJV
A bank statement can serve various purposes but its primary purpose is to help you investigate the inflow & outflow of money. In particular, a statement of account helps you see, in more detail, the items that took up your expenses.
As a believer, your expenditure is one way to check your priorities. God expects you to manage your finances/expenditure in a way that shows honour for Him, care for others and love for humanity.
Our anchor text speaks to the state of the heart as it relates to money. Jesus implied that when your account statement is investigated, the priorities of your heart will clearly be revealed. It will reveal if you are stewarding your finances to meet God’s expectation or your selfish ambition.
As a check, it is thus important to approach your allocation of resources from a broader perspective. The priorities of God must be your priorities. What are these priorities?
Firstly, be generous. It is one of the ways to show alignment with God’s purposes. Paul, in 2 Corinthians 8:7, implores us to excel in the grace of generosity. By giving to meet the needs of others, you are simply saying to God that out of the blessings He has given you, you are determined to be a blessing to others. Ensure that your budget includes generosity.
Next, in your spending, consider God’s desire for the salvation of all men. Your budget should include funds set aside to aid the spread of the gospel. This cannot be emphasized enough. The gospel must prevail and to do so, it must be sponsored. This mindset will help you as you steward your resources.
It is interesting that whenever finances are mentioned in spiritual circles, there is a tendency to think of generosity or missions alone. It might shock you to know that your enjoyment is also God’s priority. Yes, you heard it right!
1 Timothy 6:17 says that God richly provides everything for your enjoyment. In 3 John 2, it is clear that He desires the prosperity of your soul and also the prosperity of your body. So, make a conscious effort to take care of yourself, your health, and your looks. Make sure to budget on self-care and for vacations.
Other important things to consider are savings and investment. As resources come to you, God expects that you take out some and put it aside. So be prudent and plan for unforeseen circumstances. Open less accessible bank accounts and save there. (Proverbs 21:20)
Finally, ensure you steward your resources from the point of contentment and selfless ambition. Let God’s priorities direct your finances.
Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 7:18-35, Colossians 1:15-29, Psalm 125, 1 Chronicles 3-4