“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female. He created them.” – Genesis 1:27 NKJV

Have you ever been in a position where you felt unworthy, and it made you love yourself less? First, you must realize that God has never seen you that way. Our anchor text shows how high God esteems us, He created us in His own image. This shows how valuable you are, and it should encourage you to value yourself.

The love of God showered on you should also make you see yourself worthy of love. God loves you and thinks the world of you. This is evidenced by Him sending His only begotten Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). This singular fact should make you love yourself.

Peter describes you this way, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”  

1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)

You ought to be intentional in expressing love to yourself and not treating yourself less than how God sees you. As a child of God, you must understand that in addition to loving others, you should love yourself as well. As His reflection on the earth (Genesis 1:27), God desires that you take practical steps in loving yourself.

One way you can demonstrate love to yourself is by being committed to praying and edifying yourself. In whatever situation you are facing, present your earnest desires to God and be intentional in doing so. God can do above and beyond what you ask of Him (Ephesians 3:20).

Another way to demonstrate love to yourself is by showing care to your physical body. Our prayers and confessions are important but so is our physical health (3 John 1:2). Eat the right things, sleep the recommended hours, and avoid anything that poses a threat to your well-being. Our health is a priority and there is no substitute for it.

Finally,  do not compare yourself with others as your journey and theirs are different. As we see in Scripture, Peter and Paul were both significant contributors to the spread of the Gospel we hear today. However, they had different roles to play. Embrace God’s plan for your life, and let it lead you.

Dear believer, always remember that you are God’s beloved. Do not look down on yourself and be intentional in loving yourself each day. 

PRAYER:  I will be intentional in loving myself better. I will take practical steps to show myself love. Loving myself will be easier for me and I won’t neglect myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Bible Reading Plan: Ezekiel 28-30

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