“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices, God is well pleased.”  Hebrews 13:6 NKJV

When last did you do something nice for someone or show unearned kindness to your brother or sister in Christ? In a world as busy and constantly changing as ours, believers have numerous responsibilities in their personal lives, careers, and the local assembly. While handling these responsibilities is vital, it is also important to pause occasionally to notice those around you and offer help, as is expected of believers.

Jesus, in his ministry on earth, showed that He had a heart for people. When a religious scholar asked Jesus how one can inherit eternal life, He responded with the parable of the ‘good Samaritan’ noting that the good neighbour is he who goes out of his way to help his brother. Jesus asked us to go and do likewise (Luke 10: 25-37). Why is that? Because regardless of how much we do for our local assembly, if we are not our brothers’ keepers, then we are not practising true Christianity. 

God has instructed us to enlarge our hearts and care for others even as Jesus Christ has shown us how (Galatians 6:9-10). Our anchor scripture in Hebrews 13: 6 reiterates this by stating that God is pleased when we do good. 

How, then, can we care for others?

The first way is to live selflessly. We need to look beyond ourselves to what our neighbours may need. One of God’s strategies for catering for his people is through the generosity of others. God has given us all unique privileges and gifts to meet the needs of those around us. You are there and have enough for a reason, just like Esther (Esther 4: 14). Generosity is on purpose and always for a purpose.

The second way is to emulate good examples. We can take a hint from the early church. They made it customary to share in the burdens of one another. There was a strong sense of community among them as they shared everything they had (Acts 2:44-46). Even today, we should live like this as believers because more than praying for a hungry person, we should feed them too (James 2: 14-17). 

The third way is to be attentive to the needs of others. Have you ever called a brother you didn’t see in service or prayed with a sister going through a rough season? These are things that seem small but are not. And how can you know that someone needs help if you never pay attention to them?

God’s original design is that we look out for one another with brotherly love and affection.  Widen your life to accommodate others. Step by step, with intentionality and through God’s help, we should build a culture of generosity where no one feels left out; and everyone encounters God’s love. That is true Christ-likeness.

Bible Reading Plan: Psalms 89, 96

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