“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” –  Psalms 37:4 NKJV

This week, we’ve focused on communion with the Spirit. Yesterday, we stressed prayer’s role in our spiritual lives.  Today, you’ll learn to move from duty to delight in prayer. 

Have you ever started going to the gym, finding it tough at first, but later enjoying it as you committed more? If so, you grasp moving from duty to delight.

Similarly, as a believer, starting with a sense of duty in prayer can lead to growing desire with consistency. The more you pray, the more you will enjoy praying, and the more you will desire to pray. 

When Jesus taught us to pray, He buttressed the fatherhood of God to us in prayer (Matthew 6:9). Therefore, prayer is how believers ought to express their relationship with their Father. 

As seen in our anchor scripture, David is the perfect example of a man who delighted himself in God and you must strive to be like him.

You were created for fellowship with your Father, and the more time you spend with Him, the more time you should want to spend with Him (1 Corinthians 1:9). 

This fellowship is demonstrated in prayer. When we spend time in prayer, God’s will and plans become our purpose and ultimately, He becomes our delight. 

As a believer, you should speak to your soul, heart and body, and command all that is within you to delight in God. Everyday you show up to pray, say aloud that you love the Lord and you enjoy spending time with Him. 

You wouldn’t be alone in doing that.  See how David commanded his soul to delight in his maker.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!” – Psalms 103:1 NKJV

When you delight yourself in prayer, your flesh gives way to your spirit. It would then become easier to walk in the spirit and ultimately walk in God’s plan. A significant mark of spiritual growth is an appreciation and appetite for spiritual things (Colossians 3:1).

To delight in your Creator is to eagerly anticipate prayer, not just sticking to set times, but because you yearn to communicate with your Father. In prayer, you find solace and strength, knowing you have access to the loving Almighty God (John 3:16).

Dear believer, put your guard down and approach your father boldly. Prayer is in simple terms, an opportunity to commune with your father.  

God, the creator of the universe, wants to hear from you. He is eager to commune with you. What a privilege!

So, go boldly before Him. Be like David in Psalms 122: 1, who was glad when they said, ‘’let’s go into the house of the Lord.’


Bible Reading Plan: Luke 18:1-17

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