“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV

Imagine you were in a dark room, and you needed to exit the room. If you’re unfamiliar with the room, you’re likely going to spend more time navigating your way out, or you may not even be able to navigate your way out. Now, imagine light bursting forth in that same room. The presence of light changes everything!

The absence of light is not only the presence of darkness, it’s also the presence of chaos, confusion and nothingness. This is obviously why you can’t navigate your way in a dark room. The advent of light brings about order, clarity, and direction. 

We live in a fallen and perverted world, with men given to their flesh, desires, and who have made themselves the gods of their lives. It is no wonder the Bible tells us that the unsaved man is blind (2 Corinthians 4:4) and even describes such a one as dead and darkness itself (Ephesians 2:1-3). 

As believers, we have been mandated to shine as light in the world today (Matthew 5:14-16). But what does this really mean? The primary context of our light is the Gospel. Our anchor verse calls God’s light – the knowledge of God’s glory in Christ. 

 Jesus referred to Himself as the light that illuminates the world (John 8:14). His light brought truth, power, and life (John 1:4). It is faith in the finished works of Christ that leads to salvation, the deliverance from light to darkness. 

Not only is Christ the Light of the World, He has also called us as believers to be light (Matthew 5:14). As light, we dispel darkness and give light to men by preaching the Gospel to them. In Acts 19, we are introduced to Apostle Paul’s entrance to Ephesus and the influence he had in that city. This city was one known famously for the practice of magic, witchcraft, and sorcery. 

However, in verse 16, “… a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all…” because they had come to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This was because of Paul’s influence through preaching and teaching the gospel and demonstrating the power of God. For the space of two years, Paul was committed to influencing the city with the gospel and demonstrating the power of God. (Acts 19:10-12)

This is the call of our lives as believers – to influence cultures and the world around us with the message of the gospel. This is how we will change the world for Jesus.

SAY THIS: I am light! I influence the world for Jesus by His Spirit in me. I influence cultures, systems and turn many to righteousness. Because I am here, light has come!

Bible Reading Plan: Jeremiah 14-17

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