“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NKJV

Millions of individuals worldwide struggle with depression nowadays. Many people have turned their attention away from God, the source of life, and toward replacements. Christ, however, is the source of joy and peace.  

One of the ways the devil tempts people to walk away from God and His truth is via depression. Although depression can be caused by a chemical or physical imbalance, it can also be a spiritual problem. Therefore, as believers, we must not be ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). 

In James 4:7b, James instructs us to resist the devil. This would entail taking a position against or opposing the enemy’s activities in our life. This is done in our minds which is the battlefield (2 Corinthians 10:5). The devil’s strategy is to fill our minds with contradictory thoughts, but our primary emphasis must be on the Word.

Our defence against the enemy’s contradicting thoughts is the Word. Our minds are filled with God’s views about our lives as a result of reading and meditating on the Word. We proclaim our identity in Christ by acting in this way. We reaffirm who we are in Christ by acting in this way. 

More so, we must learn to practice joy. Philippians 4:4 instructs us to rejoice always. Remember all that God has done for you and let it stir up thanksgiving in you. Sing songs of gratitude to God, even in challenges. 

In conclusion, we may not be able to control what goes on around us, but we can determine what goes on in us. Choose joy and thanksgiving today and always.

Bible Reading Plan:

John 1:35-42, James 2:1-13, Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, Jeremiah 7-9

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