“For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” Luke 2:30 NKJV

Anyone who has waited long for good news knows the true definition of joy. In the birth of Jesus, we see a satisfying conclusion to the agony of waiting for a promise of the best news ever! Let’s explore three distinct stories of waiting surrounding Christ’s coming.

There was a woman named Anna. She was a widower of eighty-four years who had been married for seven years. Since the death of her husband, she did not depart from the temple but served God with fastings and prayers day and night. And one day, just like that she walked into the temple and beheld the Redemption of Israel and the whole world! Imagine the great joy she felt as she gave thanks to the Lord and told everyone who cared to listen to who Jesus was.   

Simeon is another case in point. Luke 2:25 tells us that this man was just and devout, and was waiting for the “Consolation of Israel”. In fact, it had been revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 

His presence in the temple on the day Jesus was presented was by divine leading. How much joy must have welled up in his heart when he said: 

“Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.” – Luke 2:29‭-‬32 NKJV

What a testimony!

Now, we live in the aftermath of this wondrous fulfillment of prophecy, this actuality of God’s promises! We are living in the reality of God’s promise to send us a saviour to die for our sins. How do we respond? With joy unspeakable! 

In a sense, we are also in the wait just like Anna and Simeon because Jesus is coming again.  Like them, let us keep in mind that God can keep His promise no matter how bleak the world looks right now. If He did it before, surely He can do it again. Glory, hallelujah! 

Bible Reading Plan: Esther 6-10

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