“[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], ” – Hebrews 12:2 (AMP)

After a powerful crusade, Jesus and His disciples set out across the sea at night. Exhausted, Jesus fell asleep. Though fully God, He was also fully man, experiencing hunger, fatigue, and the need for rest. Suddenly, a fierce storm arose, threatening to capsize the boat. In their panic, the disciples tried everything—except remembering who was with them. Waking Jesus seemed to be their last resort, rather than their first.

If Jesus was in the same vehicle as you and there was an impending accident, what would be your reaction? Your response will demonstrate how much surrender you have to Christ. As believers, what if your approach to worship is simply focusing on Jesus despite what may be going on around you?

Indeed, what you are going through may be severe and it is understandable to think about it. However, a more fruitful option will be to fix your gaze on Jesus because in Him lies the strength to go through the experience as well as the eventual testimony.

In the place of worship, prioritise God over every other thing. As you study the word and pray let your consciousness be as described in 2 Corinthians 3:18 – “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord”.

The more you immerse yourself in worship, the more you grow in the revelation of God. The mirror is a reflection of ourselves. As you go back to check every day, you see improvement and transformation. This is the exact outcome of your worship experience. Moses was in the mountain for 40 days and when he appeared before the people, his face was transformed. It was not difficult to conclude that he had experienced the glory of God. The disciples experienced this as well. People who saw them knew that they had been with Jesus.

Beloved, Jesus is in your boat. He knows all about your struggles and the issues you are dealing with. He’s your father as well as your friend. He really and truly knows! Continually endear yourself to Him. Put Him in front and put all other things behind. Let Him be all that matters.

As you embrace this strategy in your worship, a better version of you emerges. A version that constantly images God. It may not immediately be obvious to you but as you interact with people, they will see and conclude that this one has been with Jesus. Wouldn’t you rather have that as your testimony in addition to others?

Do as the anchor text instructs – look away from all other things and look to Jesus. It is a much better approach.

Bible Reading Plan: Hebrews 1

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