“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.” – John 14:12 NIV.
There is a real-life story about Roger Bannister, who broke the record for running a mile in 4 minutes. Before he did it, no one thought it was possible. But when he broke the record, someone else beat it by some seconds the next month. This story shows that seeing someone do something challenges and expands our perspective of what’s achievable.
As believers, Jesus is your model of possibilities. In the anchor scripture, He tells us we will do greater works than He did. This is profound when we consider what Jesus accomplished during His time on earth—He opened blind eyes and cast out demons. In the Bible, we read about the disciples replicating these miraculous works after Jesus empowered them (Mark 6:7, 13). This is a testament that you can do what Jesus did.
Furthermore, Scripture consistently highlights supernatural mentorship. Consider Moses, guided by God to perform miracles like turning his rod into a serpent. This foundation helps us understand Jesus’ invitation to do the very things He did. God’s Word consistently shows that He desires us to walk in supernatural power. The fact that God did not withhold from you the same Spirit that worked through Christ should assure you that you are called to do greater works.
In addition, this pattern of supernatural empowerment throughout Scripture confirms beyond doubt that it is God’s will for you to do greater works than Jesus did. You must know that God has commissioned us to be people of influence by the power we have received. He has sent us to the world to proclaim the good news and set the captives free (Matthew 28:18 – 20).
If you desire to do what Jesus did, you must first look to Him and be like Him. This involves learning obedience to the Father’s will, a principle perfectly exemplified in Christ’s life. Prayer, a consistent practice of Jesus, should also be a practice for you. Like Jesus, let a passion for God’s purposes consume you.
Dear believer, Christ is your model of possibility in every aspect of life. God has empowered you by His Spirit to do greater works than Christ did.
Bible Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 11-13; Acts 16:25-17:9