“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints….”
Ephesians 6:18 KJV

As believers, we ought to live consecrated lives, and a consistent prayer life helps us to do so. A consistent prayer life ensures intimacy with God, and conforms our thoughts to Him. (Colossians 4:2, Romans 12:12, 1 Thess 5:17)

Yet, it is observed that building a consistent prayer life remains a challenge for some believers. This is as a result of distractions, lack of zeal or being encumbered with a lot of seemingly urgent things. The good news is that we can actually do something about it. So let us consider some helpful tips to achieve consistency in prayers.

First is to have the right mindset towards prayer. Prayer is not an option. It is not what we choose to do but what we must do. If you see prayer as what you will do after you’re done with every other thing, you will become too tired to pray after all. So make it a priority and see it as a lifestyle. Even Jesus did, so why shouldn’t you? (Mark 6:46, Matthew 26:36, Luke 6:12)

Secondly, create a schedule. Have a specific time(s) in which you pray. In Acts 3:1, the disciples were known to have a specific time of prayer. In the same way, set alarms where necessary as a prompt and periodic reminder. However, don’t let your scheduling of prayer times make you lose awe for its purpose— spending time with God, and not for fulfilling all righteousness.

Be conscious of God’s presence as a believer. If you see God as a companion and one you can always interact with, it stirs you to pray anywhere or anytime you are led to. It helps you build consistency and encourages your relationship with Him.

Thirdly, do away with every form of distraction. This helps you concentrate with undivided attention. Find a place of solitude just like Jesus in Luke 5:16.

Fourthly, embrace corporate prayers & accountability. This can be achieved by taking advantage of platforms like this one (Triumph30 Devotional App) or a mutual group like your house fellowship. Also, you can submit to a close friend or a Ministry Leader for accountability. This ensures that you stay on track, and gain prayer partners who will even prompt you to pray.

Next is to study God’s word, listen to sermons, and follow devotionals daily. The word of God inspires and stirs us to prayer. It helps us develop the right vocabulary in prayers.

Undoubtedly, many things will demand your time, but the precious moment to spend with God must be highly esteemed and should not be sacrificed. Therefore, be intentional, focused and disciplined to build a consistent prayer life.

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 10:17-24, 1Thessalonians 3:7-13, Psalms 139, 2 Chronicles 3-5

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