“Show respect for all people [treat them honorably], love the brotherhood [of  believers], fear God, honour the king. – 1 Peter 2:17 (AMP) 

When building a house, the foundation is key. It’s what ensures the stability, safety, and longevity of the entire structure, which is why giving it careful attention is essential. Similarly, for anyone desiring to become a person of favour, the foundation lies in cultivating respect and honour toward others.

So far this week, we have been learning how to become a person of favour. Today, we will explore the fact that to increase in favour with people, you must honour and respect them. 

Honour is a means of expressing gratitude or appreciation for the values people bring to our lives. We see this example in Mary, the sister of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. She recognised the gift Jesus was to them and she anointed his feet with an expensive perfume (John 12:3).

As seen in our anchor text, we must show respect for all people, this means that the natural disposition for every believer should be to show respect and honour to all men. In doing so, we can encounter unexpected favours with men. Abraham stepped into the favour that God had promised him by simply showing honour to strangers. (Genesis 18:1-10).

When we fail to honour others, we may unknowingly turn away favour. In the city of Nazareth, Jesus experienced this firsthand. His townsmen, seeing him only as the carpenter’s son who grew up among them, allowed their familiarity to breed dishonour. This lack of respect led to disbelief, and as a result, the Bible notes that Jesus was unable to perform miracles there because they refused to believe in Him (Mark 6:4-5). 

Likewise, we are to honour those who, like Jesus, labour over us with their gifts by the Spirit. Paul speaks of double honour to elders of the church (1 Timothy 5:17), who by their position of authority bring us favour through the miraculous. Another category of persons that the Bible specifically tells us to honour and respect are rulers and those in authority. As Jesus grew in favour with men and with God, He had respect for rulers in authority by paying His taxes (Matthew 17:27). Also, Apostle Paul admonishes the Roman church, and by extension, us, to honour and respect those who are in authority (Romans 13:7).

Brethren, our destiny in God is to experience favour in all aspects of our lives. A believer who will constantly walk in favour is the one who practises honour and respect for all.

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Timothy 3

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