“Honor your father and mother,’ which is the first commandment with promise:”                      

– Ephesians 6: 2 NKJV

The majority of human diseases can be traced back to cells. To treat the organ, the cells must first be treated. Similarly, the family is the cell of society, and the devil is well aware of this. This is why the kingdom of darkness is waging such a campaign against the family.

Divorce, same-sex marriage, parents molesting children, and children betraying parents are just a few of the problems that have become so prevalent in today’s world. Worse, it has become all too easy to accept them as the norm. However, they are all lies! Even though every man is a liar, let God be true. (Romans 3: 4). As a result, as Christians, we must not lose sight of God’s ideal family.

God’s ideal family is one where the woman submits to her husband, the man submits to Christ (1 Corinthians 11: 3), loves and respects his wife (Ephesians 5: 33), and the children honour their parents and God (Exodus 20:12). God established His plan for families right from the beginning when he made Adam and Eve and gave them the commandment to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1: 28). To put it another way, family has always been important in God’s plan. (Genesis 1:28, Mark 10: 6-9).

The first commandment with a promise recorded in the Bible, according to our anchor scripture, is about family. This demonstrates how important the family is to God’s plan.

Why is God so concerned with family?

The structure of a family is designed to support, protect, and provide for its members. God’s plan for his children revolves around the family. He understands that when the going gets tough, we’ll need a solid support system. We learn about unconditional love, which is God’s character, from our families. And because we’ve known it within the confines of a family, we can share it with the rest of the world.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 1: 2 NKJV

The scripture above reminds us that God desires success in all aspects of our lives, including our families. The first and most important thing, however, is that our souls prosper; and in order for our souls to prosper, we must belong to a spiritual family. The spiritual family you belong to is crucial because it can shape your destiny and the destiny of those who come after you.

Today, rejoice because you are a member of God’s family. Spend some time thanking God for your Christian brothers and sisters. Take this opportunity to reinforce your beliefs about God’s design for the family unit.

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 45-48

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