“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”

2 Corinthians 5:18 NKJV

Almost every video game has an end goal, after which the game is over. So, typically you have a number of obstacles to conquer, a structure to erect, or a treasure to find, and immediately that’s done, you’re declared successful and get to move to the next level. 

Many times, believers think that this same principle applies to our lives; that everything ends after we are saved. While this is true in the sense that our restoration to God has been fulfilled, it is only the beginning of a wonderful life. 

Over the last couple of days, we have learnt about salvation, how to be saved, and the security that is in salvation, but one more thing we must know is that our purpose on earth is twofold: to know Christ and to make Him known. 

Our anchor text shows us that for everyone Jesus saved, to them He also gave the responsibility of preaching the message that saves. Your life doesn’t end after salvation. In the actual sense, that’s when life truly begins. Now, you get to live for Jesus. 

Jesus died for the whole world, and it is His desire that everyone in it is saved and comes to the knowledge of the gospel. However, they cannot be saved unless they believe, and they cannot believe if they have never heard. And how can they hear unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14). 

Dear believer, you have been sent to “tell.” You have been given the responsibility to preach the message of the gospel, the only means by which anyone can be saved. If you think of excuses not to go, you will find many. But as a good servant and child, you must obey your Lord and Father. 

Do not allow the fear of rejection or not knowing what to say to hinder you. If you know enough to be saved, you know enough to get others saved. Do not entertain thoughts that not everyone will be saved. God wants all saved, and so should you. (1 Timothy 2:3-4). 

As you reach out to people, remember that you have all you need: the Spirit of God within you, and the gospel; which is the power of God to save (Romans 1:16). 

In giving the disciples (and us by extension) the commission to reach the world with the gospel in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said,  “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

As you go, know that you are not alone! Jesus Himself is with you by the Spirit living in you. So, go! The world needs what you have.

Bible Reading Plan: Joshua 17-18

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