“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NLT)

As believers, giving must be an intentional and deliberate act; either the giving of our resources, our money or our time. We are admonished, times over, to give to and assist those in need of help. However, our giving can also be an expression of our love or support for a work or a cause.

As children of God, we are responsible for propagating the Gospel in our world. Hence, we must recognise that our financial and material resources will go a long way to fulfilling that responsibility. We must understand that our resources should not only be channelled to meet our material needs but also to support the work of our local assemblies. We belong to the body of Christ in general and to a local assembly in particular.

It is by the giving of others, especially through your local Church; the gospel gets to you and that you have a conducive environment where you enjoy worship with other believers. The onus lies on you to reciprocate that gesture and give generously in support of the work of your local Church so that many more can be reached and supported to grow in the faith.

Where we channel our resources to give an idea of our priorities (Matthew 6:21). Giving to your local assembly is a demonstration that you value and prioritise the work in reaching men with the message of the gospel and in discipling believers. Let your commitment to support this work be evident through your giving; put your money where your faith is.

Giving to the church is also an act of love which is not done out of compulsion but with delight and gratitude. It is a privilege to participate in and contribute to the work the Lord has committed to us (Matthew 28:19-20). Give according to your means, out of love and honour to God (Proverb 3:9-10). Either through offerings, tithes, or other material resources, you can contribute to the work in your local church.

Apostle Paul tells us about the dedication of the Macedonian Church which beamed through their commitment to giving to support the ministry (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). They gave with joy in their hearts, desiring to be a blessing in one way or another, even when they had so little. What a mindset! 

You do not have to be compelled to give to your local church before you do. The church is God’s house, and we are to ensure that the needs in God’s house are met. Cheerfully propose in your heart to give to your local church today.

God is our source and all the good things we have to enjoy come from Him. Let us demonstrate this by committing ourselves and our resources to what matters most to Him.

Bible Reading Plan: I John 1

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