“Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 AMP
Have you ever been in a situation where the word of God was preached or discussed inaccurately? How did it make you feel? You probably cringed at the falsehood because you are at least a studious believer and able to distinguish between the right and wrong teaching of the Bible.
How about a less informed or ignorant believer? The heart and mind of such a believer can best be described as susceptible to false teachings and interpretation of the word. As sad as this may sound, the fact remains that one of the greatest threats to a strong and healthy walk with God is false teaching.
A susceptible believer is at the risk of double jeopardy in that on one hand he/she is a victim of false teaching and on the other hand, he/she is not able to rightly teach the word where falsehood is detected. This should not be our experience as believers because we ought to be equipped in the word and rightly divide it.
Our anchor text is an instruction on Bible study. It instructs that we must study the word so that we can accurately and skillfully teach it. The value of Bible study cannot be overemphasized. We should become so familiar with the truth that falsehood and deceit will not have a chance. A failure to devote oneself to it is not only a sign of spiritual apathy, but it will prove to be detrimental to your walk.
As you devote yourself to the study of the word, you will observe that your discernment is heightened. This is because the more we deliberately expose ourselves to the word of God, the more it takes root in our hearts.
In addition, the word of God will never be able to accomplish its desired effect in our lives unless we apply what we have received. Apostle James describes this as “hearers but not doers of the word” (James 1:22). If we strive to be both hearers and doers of the word, we will be richly blessed. (James 1:25)
To achieve effectiveness in studying the word, put up structures that inspire and engender discipline. Structures such as Bible Reading Plans, dedicated time of study or better still subscribing to Apps such as T30 Devotional App which has quality features that can aid your study. If your ultimate desire and goal is progress and joy in the faith, you must apply yourself to the study, knowledge and teaching of the word.
Let your profiting in the knowledge of the word be evident because God is counting on you to rightly teach it. Today and beyond, dig deeper so that you can gain understanding. (1 Peter 2:2)
Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 17:1-10, 2 Timothy 1:8-18, Proverbs 11:1-15, Nehemiah 6