“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” – Ephesians 6:18 NLT

Many of us are familiar with the workout burns. You may have started working out for different reasons – to burn fat, gain weight or keep fit. However, one thing is common. You begin to see the difference in your body only after you have invested enough time and stayed consistent with your routines.  

The same can be true about prayer. Don’t always expect an instant response to your prayer points. Instead, be dedicated to praying consistently about the issue. 

Our anchor scripture highlights the necessity of praying continually. It is insufficient to pray only when convenient; we must develop a structure that enhances our prayer life and deepens our walk with God. Prayer isn’t about what God can do for us, but what it accomplishes within us. Prayer is the lifestyle of a believer (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

There is a level of tenacity that goes into prayer. We are to brood and persist in prayer despite challenges or trials. We see in Colossians 4:2 that we are to be persistent and alert in prayer.  Furthermore, we do not persist in vain because God didn’t hear us the first few times. We persist in prayer in faith because we know that every time we pray, God hears us. What a mindset to have!

Dear believer, pray until something happens. The Bible is full of testimonies of people who persevere in the place of prayer. Jesus in Matthew 26:36–46 prayed three times persistently, seeking God’s will before His crucifixion and He received strength. In Acts 16:22–34, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to God in prison, and they were freed. Hannah prayed with tenacity for a child, and God gave her Samuel (1 Samuel 1:9–20). Brethren, do you persevere in the place of prayer?

It is important to note that perseverance in prayer is not always about the fulfilment of our expectations or requests, but about the confidence that, as we pray, we are being changed and strengthened to wait and endure the challenge.

God is more willing to talk to you than you are to hear from Him. He knows your needs and loves you. He is your Father and did not leave you comfortless. 

Cast your cares on Him today in prayer (1 Peter 5:7). Don’t get tired of talking to God about your worries, thanking Him for all He has done and will do. Develop a habit of brooding and believe that your prayers are answered.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 2-: 1-26

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