“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,”  – 2 Peter 1:5 (ESV)

Most people assume they are healthy until they go for a complete body exam and check their vital signs. Vital signs, like blood pressure and pulse rate, detect the body’s functionality. So, if your vitals are not normal, it is an indication that you are not 100% healthy.  

Similarly, vital signs can indicate the state of a believer’s spiritual health. As believers, we ought to pay attention to these areas of our lives to keep our fire burning. In today’s devotional, we will be looking at three vital signs to look out for and how to improve them. 

The first sign to look out for is indifference to spiritual devotion. This often shows up as an inability to commit to devotion time. While it is not a sin in itself, it can lead to sin. Jesus said to Peter, in Matthew 26:41, “Stay awake and pray so that you won’t enter into temptation.” We see the effect of a lack of prayer in Peter’s denial of Jesus. 

Secondly, pay attention to your emotions and appetite. Desires and feelings are part of the human experience, but it becomes a problem when we cannot control them. For example, there was nothing wrong with Esau’s hunger. It only became an issue when controlled by hunger; he gave away his birthright to Jacob (Genesis 25:27-34). 

A third way to monitor spiritual health is to examine the association we keep. Our closest friends should be those of the family of faith. When we notice that we enjoy spending time with unbelievers more than in the company of brothers, then it is a warning sign. 

The good news is that spiritual vital signs can improve, and our anchor text tells us how –  be intentional. 

While salvation is by grace through faith  (Ephesians 2:8), we cannot grow spiritually without intentionality  (2 Peter 1:5). Growth doesn’t happen overnight; instead, it is the natural result of daily habits and structures. 

So, set an alarm for devotion times, curate a playlist of songs that edify and listen to them often, set up an accountability structure for Bible study and prayer, and attend special meetings. When you don’t feel like it, push yourself.

Building consistency in devotion prepares us for battle (Proverbs 24:10). It also helps us put down the flesh and learn to control our desires. We become open to the leading of the Spirit and more conscious of the association we keep. 

Brethren, spiritual weakness doesn’t happen overnight; it happens because we have constantly ignored the vital signs.  From today,  pay attention to these spiritual vital signs and you will continue to grow in God’s grace. 


Bible Reading Plan: Luke 23:  1-32

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