“And He, when He comes, will convict the world about [the guilt of] sin [and the need for a Savior], and about righteousness, and about judgment:” John 16:8 AMP

“B without BB is like a train without an engine.” This was a line in an advertisement for a bread spread, implying that eating bread without that spread was as futile as having a train without an engine. In a more literal way, the Christian walk without the Holy Spirit is like a train without an engine – ineffective.

While the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in various aspects of our Christian life, His primary role is in salvation. Jesus, speaking of the Holy Spirit in our anchor Scripture, states that by His work, unbelievers would be convinced of their need for a Savior upon hearing the Gospel, causing them to believe.

This explains why the apostles needed to tarry as instructed by Jesus in Acts 1:8 before they began their ministry after the ascension of Jesus. Trying to get men saved without the Holy Spirit would have resulted in a frustrating journey. But inspired by the Spirit, Peter preaches, and 3000 people are added to the church in one day (Acts 2:14-41).

The primary reason for the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit, apart from its personal benefits to believers, is to draw unbelievers to the Gospel. Walking in the gifts of the Holy Spirit opens doors for the preaching of the Gospel to those who previously would not have listened. 

As a believer, you must walk in the Spirit to be effective. You have a ministry of reconciliation, and you are called to be instrumental in bringing many to righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). You can only do this by allowing the full expression of the Spirit in you. You already have the Spirit; it is by Him you are saved. Now allow Him to work in and through you (Romans 8:14-16, Ephesians 1:14).

You can give your boss a word of knowledge and watch his heart open to the message of the Gospel. You can heal your relative and see her become receptive to the message of the Gospel. Pray in tongues at all times and pray for unbelievers so their hearts can be receptive by working of the Holy Spirit to the Gospel as it is preached to them.

Dear believer, don’t limit God in your life. Allow the Holy Spirit full expression in your life, and watch Him bring many into the Kingdom through you.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 17

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