“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

At the beginning of the year, most people wrote down resolutions that they aimed to achieve by the end of the year. For most people, it was going to the gym; they paid for the membership subscription, bought their gym wears and put on their game face, ready to smash their fitness goals. Unfortunately for some, the euphoria died after the first three days or at best one week. 

This is often the same challenge that we are faced with when it comes to consistency in devotion. Friends, God wants you to be fervent at all times. It is His desire that we continue in prayer, in studying of the word and fellowshipping with the brethren (Colossians 4:2).

How then can you develop a consistent devotional life? 

You can start by having a plan/routine. Set aside a specific time and place for your daily devotion. Set an alarm or reminder and ensure that you don’t give room for other activities to interfere with your set time. If you wait until you feel like praying before you pray, you won’t have a prayer life. You must be intentional. 

Jesus had a fixed time and place for prayers (Luke 22:39), the apostles also did (Acts 3:1). Daniel also observed prayers consistently three times daily (Daniel 6:10). Is there a time of the day where God knows He will find you in your secret place? You must intentionally  consecrate a part of your day unto God.

It is also important to create systems that make it difficult to skip your times of devotion. What if you decide that you will not open social media until you have read your Bible or eat breakfast until you have prayed? You might also have reminders on your wall, in your car, on your phone’s wallpaper, reminding you to observe devotion. 

In addition, you have to create structures for accountability. You cannot serve God in isolation, that is not His design for the believer. We thrive in community. 

You must be intentional about developing godly friendships and bonding with your siblings in Christ. The more you fellowship with the brethren in Church, the more likely you are to stay fervent all through the week. More so, in moments of weakness, you will immediately find support and encouragement when you hold yourself accountable to others. 

Finally, learn to rest in God. It is God who is able to keep us from falling (Jude 1:24). Instead of worrying excessively about losing consistency in devotion and falling short, choose to trust in God’s ability to sustain you. 

Let devotion be an endeavour of both duty and delight for you. Truly enjoy God and His presence and you will find it much easier to keep going day after day.

Bible Reading Plan: John 3

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