“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit…”

– Jude 1:20 NKJV

Take a moment to picture the scene at the celebration of the Pentecost in Acts 2. People from all over the world had crowded Jerusalem for the celebration. Suddenly, loud noises came from a room where about 120 unidentified people had congregated. A throng of more than 3000 people can be attracted by this noise. Others in the gathering agreed that the alleged 120 people must be intoxicated because they are speaking and acting abnormally (Acts 2:1-13).

Today, some people still hold a similar belief that speaking in tongues is an eccentric behavior of energetic Christian youths, one that is not necessary for all Christians. In today’s devotional, we are answering the question, ”why should you speak in tongues?” For some, it is a reminder. 

Firstly, why shouldn’t you? If there is a gift available to the entire body of Christ (Joel 2:28-29), one that Jesus thought indispensable for the disciples to receive before they began evangelising the world (Acts 1:8) and one that is guaranteed to strengthen your faith walk (Jude 1:2), why shouldn’t you walk in it? Paul encourages the Corinthian believers and by extension us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1), tongues inclusive.

Secondly, it confirms that Christ is glorified. Did you know that the gift of tongues and its interpretation are the only gifts that were manifested after the ascension of Jesus? Peter, explaining to the crowd in Acts 2 vs 32-33, says, “God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this. Therefore, since He has been exalted to the right hand of God and has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has poured out what you both see and hear.” Acts 2:32-33 (HCSB)

So every time you speak in tongues, you are exhibiting proof that Jesus is glorified, what a privilege!

Thirdly, it builds up your faith. Apostle Paul, teaching on the gift of tongues, has this to say,

“He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself…” I Corinthians 14:4 (NKJV)

The word, ‘edify’, is the Greek word ‘oikodomeo’ which means to build up, embolden. When you pray in tongues, you build up your spirit man, you stir yourself up and are emboldened. What a gift!

Dear believer, praying in tongues, is not for some select few in the body of Christ, it is for everybody. Do you desire to speak in tongues? At the point you believed the gospel, the Holy Spirit was given to you (Ephesians 1:13). Open your mouth in faith and speak. You can also ask another believer to pray with you. If you already speak in tongues, speak more today! 

DO THIS: Spend ample time praying in tongues today. You’d be better for it.

Bible Reading Plan: Leviticus 3-4

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