“Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.” Joshua 21:45 NLT

It’s a new year again. And sometimes, it seems like the world is going around in circles. Prophecies about the year have started pouring, or maybe your local church has themed the year something mind-blowing, and you wonder if anything can happen differently this year. In times like this, doubt may set in, and fear might start knocking at your door. However, what is our disposition at times like this?

The life of a believer is driven by faith in God’s word (2 Corinthians 5:7). Our lives are defined by what God has said to do for us through His word and in us through His Spirit. Prophecies may have gone forth for the year or in your life, and you wonder, “How will this be?” But one way to thrive in times of doubt and fear is to hold steadfast to these prophecies.

We should have a mind shift to believe that God’s word is sure, and we can bank on Him. If He says He will heal you, or you will get that job, or you will start that business this year, why not believe Him and let God work it out? If He has done it before, He will do it again. Trust in His word for you this year. Hold steadfast to it and align your mind to be all that God will have you do.

God sees you.  God, who made provision for salvation centuries before you were born or knew you needed saving, will make provision for all you need to survive the year, but do you trust God to go through this process?

We see in Matthew 8:5–13 that the centurion came to Jesus requesting that his servant be healed. And he didn’t want Jesus to follow him to his house, he just wanted Jesus to say a word, and he believed that his servant would be healed. Jesus was astonished by such great faith, and his servant was healed at that hour.

What has God said He will do in your life this year? Believe Him and receive that miracle by faith. God’s word is sure. He keeps His word. 

A popular bank has this slogan, “We are Fidelity, we keep our word”. Based on this statement, thousands of customers have continued to entrust them with their money. God is even bigger than the bank. Will you trust Him and hold on to His word? 

SAY THIS: Not a single word of the LORD over me and my family will be left unfulfilled. Everything He has spoken comes alive!

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 1

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