“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)
Imagine walking through a dense forest at night with only a small flashlight. The light beam reveals just a few steps ahead, and the rest is cloaked in darkness. Each step forward requires trust that the ground beneath is solid and that the light will continue to guide the way. This is what walking by faith often feels like—moving forward even when we cannot see the entire path.
Life frequently presents us with seasons of uncertainty. We face decisions that could shape our future, endure trials that test our strength, and walk through valleys that feel endless. In those moments, our natural desire is to see the whole picture and know the outcome before we take the first step. Yet, God calls us to something different: to walk by faith, trusting Him one step at a time.
Faith is not the absence of fear but the courage to proceed despite it. Abraham understood this when God asked him to leave his homeland and go to a place he did not know (Genesis 12:1). He had no roadmap, only a promise. Moses faced it when he stood before the Red Sea with the Egyptian army closing in (Exodus 14). He had no escape plan, only God’s instruction to stretch out his staff. Each of these steps required faith and an unwavering belief that God was present and His word could be trusted.
When we choose to walk by faith, we shift our focus from our limitations to God’s limitless power. We acknowledge that He sees the end from the beginning, even when we cannot. Faith bridges the gap between the visible and the invisible, between our understanding and God’s perfect plan.
Walking by faith means surrendering control. It means believing that God is with us in the darkness, holding our hand when the path is uncertain and guiding us to our destination. We may stumble or feel afraid but His grace sustains us.
If you find yourself standing at the edge of the unknown today, take that first step with confidence. Trust in God’s faithfulness, even when the path ahead is unclear—He has already laid the way. Cling to His promise: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Let faith guide you, and step forward into the perfect plan He has prepared for your life.
Bible Reading Plan: Deuteronomy 1-2; Acts 14:8: 15:2