Throughout history, God has shown a remarkable pattern of choosing specific individuals or groups to showcase His glory in unique and powerful ways. These people reveal God to their world, influencing others and drawing them closer to Him. This recurring theme is beautifully illustrated in today’s texts, where God’s chosen servants become beacons of faith and catalysts for transformative change.
In Numbers 18-20, God designates the Levites to serve in the Tabernacle. These chapters outline the responsibilities and privileges of the Levites, emphasizing their consecration and dedication to God’s service. Additionally, the observance of the Passover underscores the importance of obedience and remembrance of God’s deliverance. Through the Levites’ unwavering commitment, the Israelites are constantly reminded to live out their collective identity as God’s chosen people.
Similarly, in Acts 7:44-8:13, Stephen’s arrest and subsequent martyrdom mark a pivotal moment for the early church. His unwavering faith and powerful testimony inspired other believers. The resulting persecution scatters the disciples, leading to the spread of the gospel beyond Jerusalem. Philip’s ministry in Samaria further exemplifies how a person surrendered to God can change the course of an entire city.
Now, God has chosen you to mirror His glory to your world. He has saved you and given you His Spirit, and when you yield to Him, you have the capacity to change the world by showcasing His love, power and grace in extraordinary ways.
Reflection: Are you showcasing God’d glory in your life?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please remind me always that I have been saved to save and serve others, even when the circumstances are tough.
Today’s reading:
Numbers 8-10
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light up the area in front of the lampstand.’”
Aaron did so; he set up the lamps so that they faced forward on the lampstand, just as the Lord commanded Moses…
Acts 7:48-8:13
“However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says:
“‘Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house will you build for me?
says the Lord.
Or where will my resting place be?
Has not my hand made all these things?’