“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52 NKJV

Welcome to the 45th weekly devotional recap of the year, this week’s articles followed a series on honour as a currency. 

We began the week by learning what it means to have favour with God. A man who has obtained favour with God is nurtured by His hand and flourishes through every season (Jeremiah 17:7-8). Unlike luck, favour isn’t beyond our influence; we can grow or diminish in it depending on how we position ourselves. Favour with God can be salvific (Ephesians 2:8-9), and it can also be as a result of discovering what God is doing and aligning with it– find out what God is doing and be a part of it.

On Tuesday, we saw that one way to grow in favour with men is by having a heart of service. Joseph’s life shows us that being a person of service leads to growth in favour (Genesis 39:3-4, 40:6-7). A heart of service is discernible and evident in how you treat others, approach relationships and nurture your relationships. The gifts and graces of God in our lives are meant to be used in service to others (1 Peter 4:10), so discover them and use them for the benefit of others. 

Wednesday’s devotional emphasised that the person who will constantly walk in favour is one who honours and respects all men. Our natural disposition should be to show respect, gratitude and appreciation to everyone (1 Peter 2:17). In doing so, like Abraham who entered into God’s promises by simply showing honour to strangers (Genesis 18:1-10), we can encounter unexpected favour with men. When we fail to honour others, we may unknowingly turn away favour (Mark 6:4-5). 

On Thursday, we learned that loyalty unlocks favour. As Christians, we are to consciously build loyalty and become dependable to the people God has placed in our lives (Proverbs 18:24). We must learn to show up especially in trying times, not just when things are good. As a believer, loyalty is is evidence of the Spirit’s influence in your life, prompting you to think beyond yourself. Embrace the people God has placed in your life. Be resourceful, sacrificial, and always show up.

We ended the week by seeing that generosity attracts favour. Even when past bad experiences prompt you to want to hold back, as believers, we are called to a higher standard—a heart that continues to give regardless of hurt. Every act of kindness is a seed with the potential to bear incredible fruit (Hebrews 13:2), but it is important that you have the right motive for your generosity (Matthew 6:3–4). Every time you have the opportunity, give generously.

Dear believer, remember that favour sets you apart from fruitless labour, so make it your life’s mission to grow in favour.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Bible Reading Recap

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