“A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 NKJV

In 2 Samuel 9, we are introduced to someone honoured for the loyalty of his father. Mephibosheth, though born into royalty, had resigned himself to a life of poverty. This could be attributed to various factors, including his physical disability, which historically diminished his perceived worth despite his status as a prince. 

Imagine the transformation in his life when, in a single day, he went from living in obscurity to sitting and feasting with the king in the palace. This incredible change came about because the king chose to show kindness in honor of his father Jonathan’s loyalty and friendship (2 Samuel 9:1-13).

Jonathan and David’s friendship in the Bible was quite remarkable and just as our anchor text indicates, it was one in which a friend stuck closer than a brother. Jonathan demonstrated loyalty to David, even at the expense of his relationship with his father, King Saul. David, in turn, showed kindness to Jonathan’s family, never forgetting such profound loyalty (1 Samuel 18:1-4, 1 Samuel 20, 2 Samuel 31:1-2).

This ought to be our posture and disposition as believers. We must consciously build loyalty and become dependable to the people God has placed in our lives. We must learn to show up especially in trying times, not just when things are good.  It is not a call to selfishness but one in which selflessness is imbibed daily. 

Loyalty in the life of a believer is evidence of the Spirit’s influence. It is the Spirit of God, living and active within you, that prompts you at various times to think beyond yourself. There are events organized by your friends where money cannot adequately compensate for your absence. Consider the importance of showing up for people during significant occasions like weddings, funerals, graduations, or other intimate gatherings involving friends, colleagues, or those you respect. 

It may seem inconsequential but it has been shown that gestures like these are easily noticed by people and are sometimes reciprocated in unimaginable ways. This is not suggesting that your actions be filled with ulterior motives of anticipated reciprocation. However, it is perfectly acceptable to spend your time and money to be there for others when you can.

Are there times that your loyalty will be tested and disregarded? Certainly! Judas Iscariot was a prime example of disloyalty; he did not hesitate to betray Jesus. Do not be discouraged by the seeming disappointments rising from your good loyal deeds. God still desires you to exhibit such traits in your daily walk.

Embrace the people God has placed in your life. Be resourceful, sacrificial, and always show up. Honour and loyalty are keys to unlocking favour. Your loyalty and impact can be seen and are not easily forgotten.

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Peter 1-2

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