“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” – Luke 2:52 (NIV)

When people are asked about their love language, some say “Acts of service” is theirs. While it might seem less romantic compared to other responses, this love language speaks volumes through simple actions. It’s tangible proof that someone values you, investing their most precious resources – time and energy – to make your life better. These actions leave lasting marks in our memories, causing us to think fondly of those who serve us.

In our anchor text, we see that it is possible to grow in favour with men, and one way to do this is through service to others. One person in Scripture from whom we can learn the heart and act of service is Joseph. His life demonstrates how being a person of service leads to growth in favour.

Favour is not luck – we see a repeated pattern in Joseph’s life where he was favoured by Potiphar, in prison, and even by Pharaoh. This should make you wonder, “What made him so special that in all these situations, he found favour?”

Joseph added value to Potiphar’s life (Genesis 39:3-4). To be of service to others, we must discover the gifts God has placed in us and understand how they can benefit others. It’s important to know that the gifts and graces of God in our lives are meant to be used in service to others (1 Peter 4:10).

In serving others, we learn to focus genuinely on people, not just our needs. We see Joseph showing genuine concern when he asks the butler and baker why they look sad (Genesis 40:6-7). There must be authenticity as we serve others. It’s not about what we can gain from the situation but about truly caring for others and adding value to their lives. Throughout the story of Joseph, we see that even though Joseph wasn’t in the most favourable situations, he had a genuine heart for people.

A heart of service is discernible – evident in how we treat others, approach responsibilities, and nurture our relationships. When we make others’ lives better or easier, it leaves a lasting impression, creating a warmth in their memory that draws them back to us, especially when new opportunities come along.

A life of service cannot be accomplished through human effort alone but requires the help of the Holy Spirit, as the natural man tends to think of himself first. However, as believers, we can bear fruit through the Holy Spirit which is essential to having a heart of service.

Service to others is a powerful way to grow in favour and deepen connections. Today, take a moment to truly see those around you and seek out small ways to make their lives better. Make service your mission, and watch the difference it creates.

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Timothy 1-2

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