“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” – Romans 12:1 (NLT)

How do you prefer to enjoy your meals? Some may choose a simple approach, eating directly from the pot, while others opt for a more refined experience, akin to fine dining. In such a setting, the main course takes centre stage, offering the most substantial portion and serving as the focal point of the meal, while the appetiser and dessert, though smaller, are meant to complement and enhance it.

Similarly, worship can be understood. While acts like singing and raising hands are significant, they are akin to appetisers and desserts. The core of true worship, however, is our lifestyle—it is the “main course,” with these acts serving to enrich and elevate it.

Our anchor scripture describes acceptable worship; one where you give yourself as a living sacrifice. The use of the two words “living” and “sacrifice” may seem contradictory, however, this is what a lifestyle of worship is – it is a life of dying daily to self and living for God.

The first use of the word “worship” in the bible was about sacrifice. (Gen 22:5) And if you read through Leviticus, one of the things associated with sacrifices is a pleasing aroma. This does not refer to the aroma that tells you your favourite food is cooking but to the standard requirement for the sacrifice. In worship, the standard requirement is not just the worship gestures, but all of you.

Our worship of God is a response to the knowledge of who He is, what He has done, and His will. Worship is about God and not you. This knowledge should drive you to ask, “What kind of worship am I offering the Lord?”

Ephesians 1:3-14 is a powerful example of worshipping God in response to His actions. In this passage, Apostle Paul reflects on how God chose us and blessed us with forgiveness and redemption. This message should inspire us to lead a life of worship, fully dedicated to Him.

But how do we live a life of worship? True worship flows from our inner being and extends to every aspect of our lives, with Christ at the centre. Our thoughts, words, actions, decisions, and desires—everything we do—should reflect His influence.

It is often said, “We become like the one we worship.” The Bible calls us ambassadors of Christ, and the best way to fulfil this role is by living a life where Christ is the focus, growing more like Him each day.

Dear believer, worship demands complete commitment. God desires all of you, not just a part. True worship is total submission to God, offering yourself as a living sacrifice.

In every moment of your daily life, remember that everything you do can be an act of worship.

Bible Reading Plan: 1 Peter 1-2

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    How do you prefer to enjoy your meals? Some may choose a simple approach, eating directly from the pot, while others opt for a more refined experience, akin to fine dining.