Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

Today’s world is dynamic. Things change and become obsolete fast, needing upgrades or replacement. For instance, mobile devices and their operating systems are frequently replaced by newer models and updates. Recently, Apple released the iPhone 16 series and other smart devices, making previous devices old. Soon, the ‘all-new iPhone 16’ will be replaced by an iPhone 17, and the cycle continues. That’s the world we live in. 

But God’s way is not necessarily so. His gifts are new yet eternal – needing neither upgrade nor replacement. What God did in Christ, at redemption, was not a makeover or remodelling of the old man. He birthed a new species of man – one with God’s nature, who needs no upgrade.

In our anchor scripture, Apostle Paul distinguished between the old man (the unsaved man) and the new creation (the man in Christ). The old man possesses the old nature of sin and its ambitions, while the new man also possesses a new nature, which he further described in verse 18 as the things of God, or the nature and ambitions of God.

Thus, the new man has to be aware of this new reality, that salvation is a call to discard old ambitions and embrace God-given desires. Again, in our anchor scripture, Apostle Paul calls the believer to action, to ‘behold.’ That is, to see that something happened to him at salvation, and he is new. He should be aware and recognise that he is no longer what he used to be before he met Christ. A significant change has happened in him. 

In Galatians 2:20, Apostle Paul explains thus: The believer’s old nature and desires were crucified with Christ, and he now lives by the faith of Christ. His new ambitions are faith-driven, and this faith is not his faith but the faith of Christ! Glory to God!

It gets even better. The new man doesn’t have to search endlessly or try to figure out these new ambitions himself. The Bible is crystal clear on what the believer’s new ambition should be. Colossians 3:1-3 says that the believer’s desires should be based on things above. He should focus his ambitions on Christ and his new reality in Christ. As he studies God’s word, he will discover who God has made him and what God would have him do.

Dear believer, there is more in Christ. You are not just saved to enjoy the benefits of redemption for yourself alone. God has given you new ambitions alongside His new nature in you. 

Your ultimate ambition as a child of God is to know Him and make Him known to your world. Remember this!

Bible Reading Plan: 1 Timothy 3-4

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