“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)

Have you ever ordered something online that was scheduled to arrive weeks later and you had to wait for it? How did you wait for it? Were you tracking the delivery every day?  Calling the vendors to find out the cause of the delay? Eagerly and impatiently praying the package arrives safely and earlier than scheduled? 

While these are all valid ways to wait, which indicates excitement about the package, there is a right attitude to waiting on God and His promises. And that is thanksgiving while believing that the parcel, or in this case, God’s promises, will eventually come to pass. 

Thanksgiving is important and you must give thanks, no matter the situation. Whether you have been waiting for years or days, whether you have enough or too little; Our anchor scripture puts it best – In everything, give thanks. It is God’s will in Christ for you. 

The occurrence in John 6:11 is a typical example of Thanksgiving even when little is available. Before multiplying the five loaves and two fish, Jesus thanked God as an act of faith. When Jesus heard about something as painful as the death of a close friend, Lazarus, what did he do?  He gave thanks before calling him back to life (John 11:  41). What better way to live than to emulate Christ? 

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” – Philippians 4: 6 NKJV

Apostle Paul gives us a perfect outline for the right attitude to expectation in the verse above. Not anxiety, but prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. 

You are a child of God. He is a good father and He knows your every need. To fully exercise thanksgiving in faith, we must first recognise that God is willing to give us what we ask according to His will (Luke 11:11-13). With this in mind, we come to Him from a place of rest, knowing He has already provided for all our needs (Philippians 4:19).

It doesn’t matter if you can’t see the end of the troubles from where you stand or if the answers to your prayers seem so far away, always give thanks! Thanksgiving should be your lifestyle. David understood this principle. In every situation, he thanked God (Psalm 28:6, Psalm 54:6). Being thankful is an act of reverence to God. It proves that you have faith in His word. 

Dear believer, as you go about your day, have these words in your heart: Thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph!

Bible Reading Plan: Mark 12: 28 – 44

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