“Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts…” -1 Corinthians 14:1 NKJV

So far this week, you’ve learned about spiritual gifts, the purpose of these gifts, and how God wants these signs to follow you and all believers. Today, you will learn the right heart posture to have as it concerns spiritual gifts. 

Have you ever felt a strong desire for something so much that it constantly occupies your thoughts and influences your actions? This is known as active desire – A desire that spurs you to action. Active desire is exactly the attitude you should have towards spiritual gifts.

In our anchor scripture, Apostle Paul encourages believers to desire spiritual gifts. However, the word ‘desire’ in this context does not just mean a passive longing for spiritual gifts. Rather, it means to have a passionate and active desire for them.

The Greek word for the ‘desire’ found in our anchor scripture is ‘Zeloo’, which means to have a strong passion for or against something.’ Therefore, if you desire spiritual gifts, your actions should demonstrate this desire. Your choice of books, the messages and music you listen to, the church you attend, and your circle of friends, amongst many others, should reflect that desire. 

Spiritual gifts are not reserved for a select few in the body of Christ. They are for everyone, including you. As a believer, you receive the Holy Spirit at salvation, which is the source of spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1, Ephesians 1:12). Jesus Himself mentioned some of these gifts in Mark 16:17, and the only condition He gave for their manifestation is believing the Gospel.

In the epistles, we are repeatedly encouraged to desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:39). God wants you to walk in these gifts, not just for the sake of it, but as a vital part of your Christian walk.

As a believer, you have a ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). God has called you not just to personal growth, but to be instrumental in the salvation of others and the edification of the church. Spiritual gifts are crucial to the fulfilment of this ministry (1 Corinthians 12:7).

Listen, through the Holy Spirit within you, you can walk in all spiritual gifts. Therefore, do not limit God in your life. Countless people depend on you, so desire spiritual gifts, act in a way that is consistent with that desire, and watch them manifest in your life.

SAY THIS: I am zealous for the gifts of the spirit! I desire to work in them actively. I will put my giftings to use. Everyone around me will benefit from my gifts of the spirit.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 10: 25 -42

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