“that, regarding your previous way of life, you put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires,” – Ephesians 4:22 AMP

The transition from childhood to adulthood can be reforming. Typically, a level of growth in knowledge, understanding and mindset is expected to be attained. An adult is expected to outgrow childish behaviours, attitudes, and desires. 

In the same manner, just like our anchor verse depicts, a believer must choose to outgrow past proclivities, attitudes and desires. Ephesians 4:17–19 defines the old man as one who lives a life outside of Christ and his righteousness. It’s a life full of sin and uncleanness. It is a corrupt nature full of deceitful desires. 

However, when we receive Christ as our saviour, believing in His redemptive work, we are able to lay down this old self of ours and overcome its desires (Romans 6:6). We become a new man in Christ, living a life of righteousness and being sold out to Christ.

The new man is a man who lives in holiness and true righteousness (Ephesians 4:24). But just like the transition of a child to an adult, one needs to consciously mature in the things of God and walk consciously in this reality. It is not enough to desire Godliness if you still walk in uncleanliness. 

Therefore, examine yourself: what kind of music do you listen to? How do you treat people? Is your speech full of wrong words? Is your mind renewed?

As believers, we are dead to the old man. As God’s workmanship created unto good works, we have been given the grace to walk in the spirit and be renewed in our mind (Ephesians 4:23). Giving yourself to continuous prayer, reading of the word, fellowshipping with the brethren, and joining a Bible-believing and teaching church gives you the fortitude and stamina to overcome the flesh.

Dear believer, that desire of the flesh can be mortified, but only a man equipped in the Spirit, who constantly walks in righteousness can do so. Let go of any lustful desire and its triggers. Today, lay down your old self and walk in the righteousness of God!

Bible Reading Plan: Mark 8: 1-21

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