“He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 NLT

Welcome to the 45th devotional recap of the year. This week’s articles reminded us that our lives are not our own, but Christ’s. We learnt that as followers of Christ, we were bought with a price and set apart for God; and we were encouraged to live for Jesus and show Him to our world.

We started the week with a reminder that we have been called to live a life set apart for God’s glory alone.  Because you now live Christ’s life, every aspect of your life must honour Him (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 6:20). Your consecration to God should be evident in your pursuits, as you would seek His will before you make any decision. It will also be evident in your approach to evangelism, which is at the centre of God’s heart (1 Timothy 2:4); and in your conduct because the faith you profess empowers you to be different (1 Peter 2:9). 

Tuesday’s devotional reminded us that salvation comes with a responsibility to no longer live for ourselves but for the One Who died for us. Like Joseph, you must not only profess faith in God but also live it out, regardless of what it may cost you (Genesis 39:7-10). Consecration is a sign of maturity in the faith, and we must be willing to lay down our lives for Jesus whose life we now live. God is worth your time and your commitment; make Him your priority.

Wednesday’s article challenged us to consider the responsibility that comes with the new life we have in Christ. Our salvation, this eternal life we now have, was purchased at the cost of Jesus’s life. Therefore, the entirety of our lives should be dedicated to serving God, with Him as our foremost priority. We should be willing to lay down our lives just as Jesus did for us so that others can receive the gospel (1 John 3:16).

On Thursday, we learnt that Christ is both Saviour and Lord to us, and we must live in submission to His will. We were saved, given His Spirit, and enabled to live in consecration to Him (Philippians 2:13). Following the example of Jesus, you ought to reveal God in your daily life by living in consecration to God and love towards others. Your spiritual transformation should be discernible to people around you (Galatians 5:22-23).

As we rounded up the week, we were encouraged to recognize our role as representatives of Christ in this world. We were reminded that we were created for God’s pleasure, and we must consistently live out the faith we profess, whether or not anyone is watching. You have the Spirit of God within you, so in everything you do, even in the secular aspects of your life, be intentional about living for the glory of God and drawing men to Him (Colossians 3:23). 

This week, walk conscious of the fact that you have received the life of Christ and now live His life. As you go about your everyday life, remember that the One Who called you to live for Him enables you by His Spirit. 

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan: Jeremiah 41-45

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