“But earnestly desire the best gifts.”
1 Cor 12:31a NKJV

In our anchor verse, Paul instructs believers to earnestly desire the best gifts. It’s an instruction, not an option or a denominational preference. This is why we need to understand why we need these gifts. So, why spiritual gifts?

First, exercising spiritual gifts is a confirmation of the testimony of Christ (Acts 2:32-33). When you function in these gifts, you are bearing witness to His death, burial, and resurrection, because the Holy Spirit could not come to us until Christ rose from the dead (Acts 2:33; John 16:7). Therefore, no Christian should be indifferent about these gifts.

Another reason why we must function in spiritual gifts is for the edification of the church. 1 Corinthians 14:26 KJV says, “How is it then, brethren? When ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.”

Although Apostle Paul was talking about order in the above scripture, we see here that when we gather together as believers, we should desire to be a blessing to one another. There are no spectators in the body of Christ. God’s design for your growth is for you to feed others as you are being fed.

Finally, we live in a world full of contradictions and wickedness, therefore, you need to display the power of God and set people free. The gifts of the Spirit will help you fulfil this purpose. Dear friends, these gifts are not for showing off or competition. They are also not reserved for a select few, they are for every believer. They are the signs that identify you as a believer in Christ Jesus (Mark 16:17). So, if you say you believe in Him, covet earnestly spiritual gifts.

Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 31-33

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