“So, Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” – Galatians 5:1 (NLT)

Making resolutions for the new year has become customary over time. However, according to a study, “nearly 80% of people admitted to abandoning their New Year’s resolutions by February every year”. This can occur as a result of one’s fear of failure or of starting out on the wrong foot. Sometimes, it can also be a trick of the devil especially when it has to do with our purpose or assignment.

As believers, we are aware of his tricks (2 Corinthians 2:11). As a result, we shouldn’t dismiss it if we catch ourselves straying from our assigned or prophesied path. We have to acknowledge that such a scenario is possible and put structures in place.
Also, we need to be mindful of self-sabotage which might result from fear-based thinking. So, find the triggers and respond to them. The written word is one method of overcoming this. The word serves as our mirror (James 1:23). It illuminates our way during our darkest hour (Psalm 119:105).

God’s word serves as both our strength and our compass. Consequently, keep in mind what the Bible says when you feel that your ambitions are enormous and unattainable. For God, there is no mountain too high. Look into the word for strength.

Speak the word instead of condemning yourself out of fear. Speak it to that seemingly impossible goal, decision, undertaking, or enormous task. Get rid of the belief that you can’t succeed. Get rid of that anxiety. The constant proclamation of the word refreshes your spirit and motivates you to take action.

Having someone hold you accountable is another method to stay on track. Find a prayer partner to uphold you when you’re weak in the knees. This will motivate you to keep trying and not lose heart. You will be encouraged to maintain your vigilance if you read the Bible with a fellow believer, establish a regular prayer schedule with brethren, and have an evangelism partner.

Then, pray! Prayer is about what it does in you, not just what it does for you. Your Spirit is sparked and roused by prayer. You get insight on what to do and how to do it through prayer. When you pray, you get guidance. Pray whenever you’re uneasy or afraid, pray always (I Thessalonians 5:17). God hears you.

God has set us free from bondage, as we can see in Galatians 5:1. Break free consciously from any self-defeating behavior that may be attempting to prevent you from moving forward with God’s plan for your life. Hold fast to this truth and free yourself.

Bible Reading Plan: Job 26-27

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