“…Have faith in God.  For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” 

Mark 11: 22 -23

Welcome to the 2nd weekly devotional recap of this year. This week, we learnt about the amazing love of God, the limitless power of God, how to grow spiritually, and how faith and prayer go hand in hand. 

We kicked off this week by leaning into God’s amazing love. There is a common lie that God is waiting for our perfection before he saves us. This is a lie because Christ became sinful so that we might become righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). We were saved unto good works, and not by good works. This is the message of salvation; the greatest love story ever (John 15:13). 

Tuesday’s devotional showed us just how limitless God’s power is, and by extension, how nothing is impossible for us. Our God is a God of limitless possibilities. It’s true! Take a look at Abraham’s life (Genesis 15:5).

God may have given you dreams and assignments that seem impossible, you may be scared, but remember who dwells in you. The creator of the entire universe, He is limitless and so are you! All you have to do is believe what He has said (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 24:1-2).

Wednesday’s article taught us how to move mountains. Jesus told us in our anchor scripture that we can move mountains, even with little faith. A mountain is akin to those long-standing issues believers battle with. For those mountains to give way, you must test your knowledge of the word by believing in the possibilities. With the authority you have in Christ, speak the word to those mountains and watch them crumble!

On Thursday, we had the word diet. God’s desire for his children is that we grow in faith, and an important ingredient for that is the word of God. A lack of knowledge of God’s word leads to a fruitless spiritual life. Therefore, we must take the studying and meditation of the word seriously (1 Timothy 4:12-13) . As a matter of fact, this is why God gave us ministry gifts; so that they accurately teach us about Jesus. 

We ended the week on a high note by learning about faith and prayer. Faith begets faith, as seen in the lives of the Centurion and Abraham. Also, praying in the Holy Ghost is one way to grow in faith. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is more than just a comforter, He also strengthens our convictions. 

Faith is the major currency in the kingdom of heaven. With faith we believed in Jesus and were saved. With faith, we receive God’s amazing grace. Also, with faith, we tap into all that God has planned for our lives.

Bible Reading Plan: Job 17-19

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