“Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth. Do not be afraid of their faces,
For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:6, 8 (NKJV)

Have you ever felt so hesitant to begin something new that you persuaded yourself not to? Have you ever had plans to start something new but decided against it because you were afraid of what you could encounter? Today’s devotional is for you.

Fear is a sign of mental fragility or a lack of resolve to face challenge or peril. In all honesty, we have experienced fear in our life, particularly when carrying out God’s instructions. However, it’s important to keep in mind that nothing worthwhile and outstanding has ever been accomplished without beginning small or, at the very least, out of fear.

When we give in to fear, it weakens us and paralyzes our reasoning, leading us to believe that we should abandon our mission. Jeremiah was the prophet to the nations, appointed by God, according to our anchor text, yet he disqualified himself because he was afraid. Fear causes us to look away from the positive things God has to say about us.

Fear must be faced with faith if you want to overcome it. It may make you nervous to follow God’s instructions, but you can’t back out because He who sent you is inside and with you (Jeremiah 1:7-8, 1 John 4:4). So you have to be bold when you go out.

Additionally, you need to develop mental toughness that will allow you to block out any unfavorable ideas and opposing viewpoints regarding the Bible. You need to connect your thoughts with God’s word. Make sure it occupies the forefront of your consciousness so that no opposing idea can take its place (Joshua 1:8). What you believe to be impeding you is really a delusion designed to prevent you from acting as God would have you. Avoid falling for that.

Get ready for what God has commanded you to perform in this new year. You feel less fear when you are better prepared. Start with what you have and where you are. Do not let fear control you. Start right away!

Bible Reading Plan: Job 22-23

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