And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.’
Luke 19:17 NKJV

Imagine a workplace setting where a particular staff or group of staff always gets the highest accolades. They are examples to other staff during office meetings and to make it “worse”, they also enjoy regular promotions.

Imagine the reaction of the rest of the staff, especially those employed at the same time as these “stars”. They will question their abilities, some may get envious and resentful. Yet, it is undebatable, these stars are faithful stewards.

Our anchor text displays Jesus’ disposition to stewardship. He declared strongly that faithfulness in the things committed to your hands will lead to more responsibilities and rewards. This same principle applies in the kingdom as well as in the natural aspects of our lives.

As believers, faithfulness ought to be exhibited in our approach to the spread of the gospel. There should be a total commitment to seeing the gospel spread to every corner of the world. Our money or resources, for example, must be directed towards sponsorship. The right mindset, desire and drive towards the gospel, will cause a tremendous impact.

Moreso, in the natural aspect of our lives such as the workplace, this same level of faithfulness is required. This is what rightly positions you before management when promotion or salary review conversations come up. As an entrepreneur, this level of dedication and faithfulness is also expected of you as you deliver products or services. This in turn helps increase your visibility and profitability.

On the other hand, unfaithfulness and a lackadaisical approach to matters will not get you results no matter how prayerful you may be. The same way your faithfulness is seen and rewarded by God and men is the same way your negative attitude is seen too.

The Bible records for Joseph in Genesis 39:3-4 thus “Potiphar noticed this and realised that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. This pleased Potiphar, so he soon made Joseph his attendant. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned.”.

Joseph stewarded the gifts and opportunities God gave him with excellence and faithfulness which earned him favour with Potiphar. Your stewardship cannot go unnoticed. It is noticed by God as well as men and so is the reward that comes with it. What responsibilities are you currently shouldering? Give it your all.

Bible Reading Plan:
John 8:31-47, 2 Peter 3:1-9, Job 6, Ezekiel 17-19

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