“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

If there is one thing that truly serves as a parameter to determine an individual’s heart posture, it is money. Indeed, a person’s money will flow in the line of his true convictions.

In the world today, we’ve seen people put their money behind causes they truly believe in, no matter how bad or dangerous these causes are, be it profanity or even terrorism. It is therefore important for a believer to know that his commitment to the gospel of Jesus will be observed from how much of their finance goes into sponsoring the gospel.

Many today do not sponsor the gospel because their finances is one aspect of their lives they have not surrendered to Jesus. One thing we must realise is the fact that the Lordship of Jesus is not only to be exhibited in the songs we sing or in our confessions, but rather in our daily living.

The Lordship of Jesus over our lives will be revealed by what we give priority to. This therefore means that when it comes to our finances, the Lordship of Jesus must be seen.

Jesus said categorically that “You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). Which therefore means that you must put money under by using it for what is truly your number one true conviction, which is Jesus and His purpose. This is how to demonstrate the Lordship of Jesus over your finances.

This culture of giving must not be just an ordinance, it’s a form of worship that renews our consecration to God. By virtue of our generosity towards the cause of the gospel, we affirm that the Lord is our true treasure, our true gold.

This giving as Paul said, must be done from the heart and not be under compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7). This is true worship, our giving is not to satisfy guilt but an expression of our devotion to God.

SAY THIS: Jesus is Lord over my life. He is Lord over my finances therefore I affirm His Lordship through my giving. With my earthly treasures, I build God’s eternal kingdom. Hallelujah!

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 5:1-11, Philippians 1:12-20, Psalms 119:113-120, 2 Kings 4-5

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