Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?” 

Proverbs 20:6 NKJV

If you ask, most people will tell you that one of the most desirable traits to find in a friend, partner or employee is faithfulness. While it is an admirable trait in any relationship, it is especially important for a believer to be faithful. 

Faithfulness means loyalty, trustworthiness and predictability in character. A faithful person is steadfast in affection and allegiance.

From the scriptures, we see God’s faithfulness in that He keeps to every word He has spoken. We can bank on all of God’s promises because He has a track record of keeping to His word (Deuteronomy 7:9).

God in His faithfulness promised us salvation through Jesus Christ from the foundation of the world even before we knew we needed it (Ephesians 1:4-5). God fulfilled every promise and now by faith, we have been grafted into His family. He adopted us as sons and now we can boldly approach Him (Galatians 3:26).

The various expressions of the fruit of the spirit show the nature of  God. This nature should be replicated in our lives since we have His Spirit living and working in us. 

As heirs of God, we are to be like Him and exhibit faithfulness everyday. Believers are to show faithfulness to God in their devotion. This implies that we are committed to Him and His cause. 

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are to strive to mature in our relationship so that God will be able to express His trust in us like Abraham (Genesis 18:19). When we allow the Holy Spirit work in and through us, our devotion and commitment to God will be evident.

In the same way, we should be faithful in our commitment to the work of the Ministry and to the spread of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 4:2). We should be faithful students of the Word of God and diligently teach the same to others (2 Timothy 2:2). 

The early disciples were faithful and the gospel got to you. Can the generations after you depend on your faithfulness to receive the undiluted word of God?

As seen in Luke 12:42-44, we are to also show faithfulness in our secular work. Faithfulness in our daily work can be seen as diligence, hardwork and integrity. As an employee, your employer should trust in your abilities to carry out your duty and your character.

Finally, Faithfulness should also be seen in the different relationships we have with people. Just like the marriage between Christ and the church, we should also show commitment in our marriages and keep to every promise we made to our spouses. In friendship-relationships, we should strive to be reliable and trustworthy. 

Dear believer, strive to show stability of character and integrity at all times. People should be able to rely on and predict our conduct in situations.

Bible Reading Plan:Psalms 99, 2 Samuel 24

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